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Sempergreen which is the world’s largest and most experienced supplier of quality products for green roofs, living walls and ground covering, has been an innovative brand in Turkey under the partnership with Armroof Green to make the world a greener place. We are happy to share our knowledge and pleased to help you think your project through, to advise and guide you from start to finish.

Products and Advantages

* Sedum Tray: Sedum trays enable you to install your entire green roof in one operation. That’s the main direct advantage of Sedum trays. Sedum trays are containers made of plastic or foam measuring 38-60 cm wide, 45-60 cm long and 3-10 cm high. They have a drainage function, store water and contain substrate and Sedum plants.

*Flexipanel: Sempergreen® Flexipanels are the most flexible system on the market for vertical gardens. The panels (approximately 62 x 52 cm), pre-cultivated in our own nursery, are easy to install on any indoor or outdoor wall and provide an instant green appearance. Even slightly curved surfaces are no obstacle thanks to the use of lightweight materials in combination with a special design.